On behalf of the Wise Up to Rise Up Foundation, on April 11th, 2024, we supported the Collins family in celebrating the life of Meagan Collins with a balloon release and a 2.4-mile walk. Her enduring legacy will always be remembered, inspiring us to carry on her story.
Born at just 24 weeks and weighing 11.5 ounces, Meagan defied the expectations of emergency room doctors who gave her only 24 hours to live. Throughout her 24 years, she filled her life with a legacy of love, laughter, and remarkable accomplishments. Despite being born completely blind, Meagan authored and published a full-length novel, earning her a prestigious gold medal and Lifetime Achievement award from the White House. Meagan spoke to thousands of people online, on television, and in person, giving speeches to hundreds of students at a time who were struggling with the challenges of living with differences. Her legacy of inspirational influence and the matchless power of vision continue to bring families together around the world to champion the cause of celebrating differences and living on with a vision.
Wise Up To Rise Up Foundation always has and always will support initiatives and causes that champion true diversity, inspiration, and inclusivity. We, as a foundation, are honored to be inspired by an incredible figure within the community, and we believe in the power of vision to overcome unforeseeable circumstances, setbacks, and obstacles.
May the successful impact, life, and legacy of Meagan Collins live on to inspire the next generations.